Tom Myers & YogaUOnline Present!

Yoga for Ageless Living: 

Fascia & The New Science of Flexibility

Keys to Unlocking Lifelong Functional Fitness


THIS WEEKEND! Join Tom Myers Live Online!

Sheak Peek: Dr. Robert Schleip: Pros & Cons of Yin Yoga

Yoga for Ageless Living: The New Science of Flexibility

What is key to retaining your ability to move freely and retain your body’s full functional capacity well into your older years?

Retaining the range of motion of your joints and the flexibility of your muscles. With a good range of motion, our joints move easily and comfortably, our torso and limbs function efficiently, and we enjoy a higher quality of life.

Unfortunately, if one or more joints begin to lose their normal range of motion, it sets up a vicious cycle of changes. And over time, these slowly undermine our ability to move freely, and they increase our risk of injury.

The first thing that happens when you lose range of motion is that the body begins to compensate by placing stress on other joints or muscles. This in turn creates muscle imbalance and chronic misalignment patterns that increase our risk of injury and pain and reduces our ability to move freely.

And, as we slowly lose our freedom of movement, our vitality, energy, and general quality of life begin to suffer. Limited ability to move can also contribute to mental health issues, including depression.

Join us for an in-depth online course and weekend intensive with renowned author and fascia expert Tom Myers! In this course, you will learn new insights into how to stay healthy, functional and pain free all life long - and if you're a yoga teacher, how to help your clients and students do the same!

Best of all, you can study in the comfort of your own home, AND, you'll be able to access the course and course bonuses for as long as you like.You get lifetime access!


Tonight! Join Tom Myers Live Online - See Below for

Take a Sneak Peek! Video Excerpts from the Premium Course!

How Fascial Aging Is Intertwined with Whole Body Aging
How Yoga Practice Affects the
Nervous System and Fascial System

How to Hydrate the Fascia - Why Movement Is So Vital
Your Body is Organized Water

What Are Fascial Adhesions and Why Do They Matter?
How Do We Keep the Fascia Hydrated? The Squeeze and Soak Method

Join Us for a Groundbreaking Online Course with Tom Myers & Dr. Robert Schleip - Two of Today's Leading Experts on Building Soft Tissue Resilience!

Tom Myers is widely respected for his visionary and groundbreaking work charting the myofascial meridians of the body. 

He is the author of Anatomy Trains and the co-author of Fascial Release for Structural Balance, and numerous articles for magazines & journals. 

Tom is a leading expert in visual assessment and body reading, Fascial Release Technique, and the applications of fascial research to movement therapy, fitness activities, and bodywork. 

He studied directly with Drs. Ida Rolf, Moshe Feldenkrais and Buckminster Fuller. He has practiced integrative bodywork for over 30 years, and is a sought-after international workshop presenter.

Robert Schleip PhD is an international Fascial Anatomy teacher and a leading voice in fascia research. He has been the director of the Fascia Research Project at Ulm University, which is at the forefront of international fascia research since 2008.

Robert was co-initiator of the first International Fascia Congress in 2007, which marked the breakthrough for modern fascia research, as well as subsequent congresses. 

Additionally, he is a Board Member of the Fascia Research Society. He is author and co-editor of several books and has written numerous research articles on the new insights into bodily functioning revealed by fascia research.

What's in the Course? 

Choose Between These Two Options

Yoga for Ageless Living 

Foundations of Stretching 

Online Weekend Workshop with Tom Myers on the New Science of Stretching and Flexibility 
March 24- 26, 2023

Premium! Yoga for Ageless Living

Fascia, Flexibility & Healthy Aging 

Keys to Fostering Lifelong Functional Mobility - Advanced Techniques for Fostering Fascial Resilience and Soft Tissue Flexibility 

Option #1: Foundations Package

 Weekend Immersion with Tom Myers – Fascia and The New Science of Flexibility


For the Foundations track, join Tom Myers for an exciting live online weekend immersion!

Learn about the newest advances in our understanding of how we can enhance the flexibility and resilience of the soft tissues of the body to prevent or slow common age-related changes that lie at the root of loss of range of motion, joint problems and arthritis.

Does your flexibility suck? Or, are your joints starting to fill like Tin Man when you wake up in the morning? 

If so, you probably wonder: How do I improve flexibility and prevent my joints from getting stiffer?

You may have tried everything and no matter what you do you haven’t been able to increase your flexibility or joint range of motion past a certain point.

Well, the good news is that we now know much more than before about how to work with the soft tissues of the body - both the muscles and fascia, the connective tissue of the body - to enhance flexibility and slow common age-related changes.

How Do We Increase Flexibility and Range of Motion to Retain Freedom of Movement?

Join us for a Weekend Workshop with Tom Myers! Yoga, Fascia and the New Science of Flexibility

In this weekend workshop, Tom will introduce you to new breakthrough findings in our understanding of the factors that can help increase or retain flexibility and range of motion.

Learn why how you stretch matters, and the importance of including a focus on fascia in your stretching routine. Also learn advanced stretching techniques to release chronic tension patterns and to help foster faster and more sustainable progress.


Option #2: Premium Package: 

Advanced Techniques for Stretching and Fascia Rejuvenation

Weekend Intensive with Tom Myers - March 24-26, 2023

This Weekend! Join Tom Myers Live Online - Here's the Schedule!

Also Included in the Premium Package: 

Tom Myers: Are You Aging Or Just Drying Out? 

3-Hour Online Course on Keys to Keeping the Fascia Hydrated, Youthful and Supple

With the Premium Package, Also Enjoy this 3-Hour Online Course with Tom Myers

The fascia – the body’s connective tissue – is a vital part of the body, which plays a significant role in our daily and long-term health and well-being.

Previously thought to be an inert ‘wrapping material,’ we now know that the fascia shapes every part of our body. 

Just as significantly, it constitutes a vital medium for all parts of the body and for the physiological life of every one of our 70 trillion cells.

How does the fascia age, and how does this process impact our mobility, aging trajectory, and overall well-being?

Which factors impact how the fascia ages, and how can we work with the fascia in our yoga and movement practices to slow the process and improve the overall trajectory of physical agg

In this online course, Tom Myers reviews recent research on the fascia as it applies to the aging process. While we cannot stop aging, Tom notes, there are many practical steps we can take to extend what is known as our health span, i.e., the years we retain full functioning and ability to enjoy life to its fullest.

Get an in-depth understanding of recent findings on fascia and aging and what they mean for our approach to movement in general and yoga specifically. Also learn the principles for how to target a yoga practice more directly to keeping the fascia resilient, youthful, and flexible.

With the right approach, we can lay the foundation to prevent the gradual loss of mobility and growing stiffness that is the typical hallmark of aging.


Also Included in the Premium Package!

Moving Your Mind: How Fascia Impacts Our Nervous System 

and Mental-Emotional Well-Being

3-Hour Course with Renowned Fascia Expert Dr. Robert Schleip!

Until recently, fascia was mainly seen as a supportive and protective tissue, one that held muscles, bones, and organs in place. 

This view of fascia has been challenged in the last several decades as researchers have begun to uncover the true complexity of this multi-layered tissue. 

Those involved in manual therapy have been quick to dub facisa as "the forgotten organ," and for good reason. The fascia's purpose extends well beyond shock absorption, ligamentous support, and hydrodynamic properties. 

Research is now revealing that fascia may be one of the fundamental sensory systems in the human body, with broad capabilities and implications that are just beginning to be understood. 

Dr. Robert Schleip will discuss groundbreaking research that indicates that the fascial network may be an extension of the autonomic nervous system and that it has an active role in its regulation.

Also Included in the Premium Package:

Fascia Rejuvenation in Yoga: 6-Hour Video Series

Increasing Your Health Span: The Fascia Rejuvenation Method for Fostering Soft Tissue Resilience & Whole Body Renewal

Join yoga therapists Eva Norlyk Smith, Ph.D and Terry Smith, Ph.D and learn a new, ground-breaking approach to practing yoga to build greater fascial health and resilience. 

Learn new ways to work with the body to prevent or address age- or trauma-related changes in the fascia like adhesions, fibrosis, scar tissue, loss of hydration, and loss of pliability. 

It is these factors which many researchers now believe may result in the structural changes in the fascial network that lie at the root cause of numerous disease processes.

The Fascia Rejuvenation Method Practices Include:
Learn how to work more effectively with building fascial resilience in your own body and help your students do the same. 

Session 1: The Fascia Rejuvenation Method – Building Fascial Resilience in the Superficial Back Line

Learn how to practice yoga asanas to foster deeper opening and fascial resilience along the superficial back line as outlined in Tom Myers' Anatomy Trains Model. 

Experience how this translates into a deepening in forward bending yoga asanas.

Session 2: Fascia Rejuvenation – Building Fascial Resilience in the Superficial Front  Line

This session continues applying the Fascia Rejuvenation Method to Tom Myers’ Anatomy Trains model. 

Learn how to foster greater fascial resilience along the superficial front line. Experience how this translates into a deepening in backbending yoga asanas.

Session 3: Fascia Rejuvenation in Yoga Asanas – Building Fascial Resilience in the Spiral and Lateral Lines

In this session, learn how to integrate the principles of the Fascia to work more directly with the lateral line and spiral line in yoga asanas to create greater opening, resilience and strength.

Experience how this translates into a deepening of the breath and increased mobility of the thoracic spine.

Session 4 and 5: Fascia Rejuvenation in Yoga Asanas – The Deep Core Line and the Spiral Line

The deep core line as described by Tom Myers in his Anatomy Trains model forms an anatomical and energetic center that includes the inner thighs, the psoas muscles, the diaphragm, and breathing muscles. As such, it has a powerful connection to our autonomic nervous system and parasympathetic functioning.

In session 4 and 5, learn how to connect with the deep core line and spiral lines in your practice and experience how working with the deep core line can help induce a sense of ease, relaxation and well-being.

Extra Bonus Course with Dr. Robert Schleip 
for the Premium Track!

The Role of Fascia in Nervous System Regulation

Recent Findings on The Role of Fascia in Sports Medicine

Keys to Working with the Fascial Matrix

What People Are Saying:

Mandy B.

Yoga Teacher and Fitness Instructor, Port Alfred, Eastern Cape Africa

Wonderful! Light bulbs flashing every few minutes....many things I have READ before, and now I'm making connections. LOVE Tom's visual aids and easy soothing voice. Thank you!!

Angela W.

Massage Therapist, Calgary, Alberta Canada

This was super informative, and I enjoy watching Tom Myers' webinars. As a massage therapist, this is particularly an interest to me. I agree that this is just the beginning of this field of study and is really revolutionary in the field of massage therapy and for yoga, both of which I love!!! Excited to see the next webinars, thank you Tom!!! And of course YogaU!!!

William H.

Yoga Teacher (RYT-500), Atlanta, GA

The program that YogaU developed with Tom Myers is exceptional, and I am grateful that the access to this material is unending. Since the program released, I have gone back to rewatch many of the videos, and content continues to add to my skills and understanding. Starting next week my daily commute increases significantly, so I went back to download the PDFs to reference and the audio files to listen to while I am on the road.

Please let all that care at YogaU that you offer an exceptional resource to the yoga community, and I love being able to access your content, ESPECIALLY this program with Tom. 

Enroll Now to Enjoy Your First Bonuses! 

The first modules and bonuses are available now, so enroll now to get a head start! Become a leader in your field! Be at the forefront of the integration of yoga teaching with cutting-edge knowledge of the role of the fascia in movement, health and aging. 

What's Included at a Quick Glance

Choose Between these Two Options

Foundations Package

* 12-Hour Live Online Weekend Workshop with Tom Myers - Bring Your questions!


Also Enjoy These Bonuses

* Yoga for Myofascial Release Video Practice Series 

* 3-Months Access to Our Yoga Practice Channel and Pose Library - A $100 Value!

Premium Package 

  1. Live Online Weekend Workshop with Tom Myers - Bring Your questions! 
  2. Online Course with Tom Myers: Are You Aging or Just Drying Out? Keys to Keeping the Fascia Youthful
  3. Online Course with Dr. Robert Schleip: Moving Your Mind: How Fascia Impacts the Nervous System and Our Mental and Emotional Well-being.
  4. Integrating Fascia Hydration into Your Yoga Practice: The Fascia Rejuvenation Method - a 6-Hour Practice Series with Terry Smith, Ph.D. and Eva Norlyk Smith, Ph.D.

Total Value If Each Course Was Purchased Individually: $900

With the Premium Package Also Enjoy These Bonuses 

* 3-Months Access to Our Yoga Practice Channel and Yoga Pose Library - A $100 Value!

 Bonus Course with Dr. Robert Schleip 3-Hour Bonus Talks: Recent Findings in Fascia Research - a $97 Value


Pricing Plans

Foundations Package


Premium Package 

(Total Value $1,300) 
